You Win Some, You Lose Some

I’ve been pinning Nutella recipes like crazy to my Pinterest boards, because Nutella is practically the most delicious thing on the planet straight out of the jar. But baked in recipes? I’m finding it’s not so good. I’ve totally struck out with two Nutella recipes: a mug cake and cupcakes. And I hate wasting ingredients, especially heavenly ones like Nutella, so I’m thinking my experimenting with baking it is over.

I’ll stick to Nutella and apples or pretzels or just licking it off the spoon.

In other news: I recently posted this recipe for Chewy Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies. They are amazing, and freeze really well, making them perfect for adding to a school lunch for a surprise for the boys now and again (I just stick a frozen one in their lunchbox and it’s great by lunchtime, they tell me)!

Today, I tried the updated recipe that Kraft posted, using two eggs. Definite no-no…made the dough a crazy sticky mess, and to me, the cookies aren’t as good. So if when you make them, stick to the recipe I posted with one egg. You won’t be sorry!

You Need This.

I’ll admit: I love kitchen gadgets. Not dumb stuff like a quesadilla maker (sorry if you have one and love it, or if you invented it), but things like rice cookers (genius) and this next product that you simply must have.

It’s called the Pampered Chef Mix ‘n Chop.

Seriously: you need this. It’s perfect for cooking any kind of ground meat. Jill suggested it once and I’m so glad I listened to her!

I’m using mine right now while I prep tomorrow night’s dinner, which, if it’s a hit like I think it’s going to be, will be on here tomorrow! Plus, I have two other new things on the menu for the next day or so, so stay tuned.

I’m Back. Kind of.

Sorry for the terribly long hiatus here at Three More Bites, but the truth is, I’ve cooked very little over the last several weeks.

That’s changing soon, though!

I’ve seen so many great recipes for the grill that I can’t wait to try (plus, we have a new grill, and I want it to get used a lot this summer)! I told Matt I want to do one new grill recipe a week this summer; we’ll see how long that lasts. I’ll post anything worthy of passing along here!

Sometimes, You Have to Kiss a Lot of Frogs

Meaning that I thought I’d be posting a recipe today for some lovely, delicious pumpkin cream cheese cupcakes.

But they were neither lovely nor delicious.

So. I’ve got nothing.

PS…Before today, I don’t know if I’ve ever baked something and immediately thrown it in the trash because it was so bad.

New Blog!

Ok, so after emailing tons of recipes back and forth over the last few months, Sonya suggested that we start a recipe blog, and I, of course, was all for it, since that was something I’d been thinking of for a couple of months, too!

Between the two of us, we’ve got 6 kids age 6 and under. Thus, we’ve no shortage of reviewers for our recipes. However, know that this blog will not be limited to kid-friendly fare; if it was, the list would pretty much consist of mac and cheese, pb&j and spaghetti if you were asking my kids what they’d like for me to make. We’ll let you know what the kids think.

We’ll start the blog by importing the recipes posted on our regular family blogs and then add to it as we have time.

So here we are! Add us to your Google Reader or whatever you use, and come back and let us know what you think!